Colorado Springs is a highly desirable place to live. At Merit Co. we feel privileged to call this lovely city home. If you are debating a move to...
5 Red Flags of Potential Tenants
At Merit Co., we consider ourselves experts in finding the best potential tenants for your rental properties in Colorado Springs. In this article,...
5 Tips to Make Your Colorado Springs Rental Stand Out
Having rental properties in Colorado Springs is a great way to invest and earn additional income, but it does not come without challenges. It is a...
Real Estate & Property Management in Colorado Springs
The real estate market in Colorado Springs, Colorado is booming. And as the growth continues, your home’s value will increase. This is one of the...
Should You Hire a Property Management Company in Colorado Springs?
If you have a home for rent in Colorado Springs, you need to make the important decision whether to handle the investment yourself or hire a...
Low Inventory: The Big Real Estate Story of 2013?
Real Estate News- By: Deidre Woollard We’ve heard it on the street, we’ve seen in on Facebook and Twitter, and we’ve seen it in our own...
Buying Your First House
So, you’ve gotten your financial situation in order and are ready to buy a house. Do you know how much house your monthly budget can handle? In this...
How to Get a Mortgage Without a Credit Score
For many homebuyers, establishing credit came naturally once they began working, applied for a credit card, took out a car loan or paid back student...
5 Tips to Help Your Home Sell Quickly
To many buyers, a house that’s been on the market a long time must have hidden problems. And that could lead to unnecessary and endless price...